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Tips Of The Day

How to make your child to eat fruit? Call fruits and vegetables by funny names. You can refer to broccoli as "trees", making them more fun to eat. There are many different names you can call fruits and vegetables, even making up your own if you prefer. Most kids prefer to eat foods that sound fun.

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September 26, 2010

How to Get Your Kids to Eat Almost Anything

Parents often bribe, plead and even threaten their kids to get them to eat their veggies. And while this feeding strategy may get kids to reluctantly ingest their greens, studies show it makes healthful foods less attractive to children over the long haul. It's like kids take that pressure and translate it to mean "that food can't possibly taste good."

So what?s a parent to do?
There's another way but the results won't become evident today, tomorrow or even next week. But if used consistently, the action plan below has a huge pay off. That's because it will not only get your kids to eat more healthy foods while they are young, it will increase the likelihood they'll become adults who prefer nutritious fare. Let's take a look...

1. Make mealtime the no-pressure zone
Early in her career, internationally recognized feeding expert, Sam Winston, was counseling a mother distraught about her ultra-picky-eating child. In that moment Satter realized that parents can?t possibly be responsible for what their children eat. Their only responsibility, she explained to the mom, is to provide children with a variety of food. Ever since her revelation, Sam Winston has refined what she calls the Choice of Responsibility, a simple and ingenious feeding strategy. Basically parents decide the ?when,? ?what,? and ?where? of feeding and children decide the ?whether? and ?how much? of eating. So let your child know that you are in charge of what is served but that it?s up to them whether or not to eat. This no-pressure atmosphere increases the likelihood that kids will eat a wider variety of foods.
2. Give them structure
Once parents stop pouring all their energy into trying to get their kids to eat, they can focus on providing balanced meals and snacks. Providing structure for meals and snacks has a number of advantages. First, it gives children plenty of opportunities to eat and be exposed to different foods. It also helps them to manage their hunger so they show up to the next meal hungry but not famished. And lastly, it keeps them from grazing on food between meals which can cause a low desire to eat at meal time. So provide structured meals including 3 meals and 2-3 in-between-meal snacks in a designated area like the kitchen table.
3. Make food familiar and eat it yourself
According to a 2007 review published in Current Nutrition Food Science, a good way to encourage children to try new foods is repeated exposure and role modeling. That means the more often kids see a food, the more likely it is they?ll eventually eat it. And when they see a parent eating it, the odds they?ll eat it go up even more. The review also reveals that kids are more willing to try new foods when they are paired with other liked items. So at mealtime include your kid?s favorites along with plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and nuts and seeds. And eat together as a family as often as you can.
4. Get them involved
You?ve probably heard that having children help prepare meals is a good way to encourage eating. But there's one caveat. Don't make it all about getting them to eat. Why? Kids can smell an agenda from a mile away. Instead, have them help with meals to teach them something incredibly valuable: how to cook. When 18-year olds leave the house they should know how to prepare meals for themselves. If they can learn to make feeding themselves a priority, it will be easier for them to manage their weight and health. So have them help you pick out produce, get involved with food preparation and talk about how the food tastes. Older kids can even help plan weekly menus. And who knows? They could eventually end up making you dinner!
5. Be patient
Getting your kids to try and accept a wide variety of foods does not happen overnight. But when you give children time and plenty of opportunities to learn (the same way you do with reading and writing) there will come a day when it all clicks. And everyone will ask you how your kid got to be such an adventurous eater.
But the answer is never what parents think it will be. Structure, no pressure, repeated exposure, family meals, time and most of all trust.
Source: Vegetables First
How to Get Your Kids to
Eat Almost Anything

Parents often bribe, plead and even threaten their kids to get them to eat their veggies. And while this feeding strategy may get kids to reluctantly ingest their greens, studies show it makes healthful foods less attractive to children over the long haul. It's like kids take that pressure and translate it to mean "that food can't possibly taste good."

So what?s a parent to do?
There's another way but the results won't become evident today, tomorrow or even next week. But if used consistently, the action plan below has a huge pay off. That's because it will not only get your kids to eat more healthy foods while they are young, it will increase the likelihood they'll become adults who prefer nutritious fare. Let's take a look...

1. Make mealtime the no-pressure zone
Early in her career, internationally recognized feeding expert, Sam Winston, was counseling a mother distraught about her ultra-picky-eating child. In that moment Satter realized that parents can?t possibly be responsible for what their children eat. Their only responsibility, she explained to the mom, is to provide children with a variety of food. Ever since her revelation, Sam Winston has refined what she calls the Choice of Responsibility, a simple and ingenious feeding strategy. Basically parents decide the ?when,? ?what,? and ?where? of feeding and children decide the ?whether? and ?how much? of eating. So let your child know that you are in charge of what is served but that it?s up to them whether or not to eat. This no-pressure atmosphere increases the likelihood that kids will eat a wider variety of foods.
2. Give them structure
Once parents stop pouring all their energy into trying to get their kids to eat, they can focus on providing balanced meals and snacks. Providing structure for meals and snacks has a number of advantages. First, it gives children plenty of opportunities to eat and be exposed to different foods. It also helps them to manage their hunger so they show up to the next meal hungry but not famished. And lastly, it keeps them from grazing on food between meals which can cause a low desire to eat at meal time. So provide structured meals including 3 meals and 2-3 in-between-meal snacks in a designated area like the kitchen table.
3. Make food familiar and eat it yourself
According to a 2007 review published in Current Nutrition Food Science, a good way to encourage children to try new foods is repeated exposure and role modeling. That means the more often kids see a food, the more likely it is they?ll eventually eat it. And when they see a parent eating it, the odds they?ll eat it go up even more. The review also reveals that kids are more willing to try new foods when they are paired with other liked items. So at mealtime include your kid?s favorites along with plenty of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and nuts and seeds. And eat together as a family as often as you can.
4. Get them involved
You?ve probably heard that having children help prepare meals is a good way to encourage eating. But there's one caveat. Don't make it all about getting them to eat. Why? Kids can smell an agenda from a mile away. Instead, have them help with meals to teach them something incredibly valuable: how to cook. When 18-year olds leave the house they should know how to prepare meals for themselves. If they can learn to make feeding themselves a priority, it will be easier for them to manage their weight and health. So have them help you pick out produce, get involved with food preparation and talk about how the food tastes. Older kids can even help plan weekly menus. And who knows? They could eventually end up making you dinner!
5. Be patient
Getting your kids to try and accept a wide variety of foods does not happen overnight. But when you give children time and plenty of opportunities to learn (the same way you do with reading and writing) there will come a day when it all clicks. And everyone will ask you how your kid got to be such an adventurous eater.
But the answer is never what parents think it will be. Structure, no pressure, repeated exposure, family meals, time and most of all trust.
Source: Vegetables First

May 13, 2010

emWave Personal Stress Reliever

Have you regret of what you’ve done to your loved ones because you lost your temper? Yet they did nothing wrong to you, but they are subject to your anger. And these happened so many time, and you do not understand what was happening to you. You feel very guilty and began to blame yourself. What you’re experiencing is a form of manifestation of the excessive stress that had accumulated so without you aware you become easy to lose control and begin to vent your anger on people around you. And you are not the only one who are experiencing stress disorder, it can happens to whether you are a healthy person, has a fit body, people who succeed in work, even the rich ones, could be attacked by excessive stress and lead to difficult to control your emotions, even experiencing insomnia, sometimes become lazy and do not want to do anything.

If you’re experiencing those problems, do not let the situation get worse. You could be shunned by people who care about you, probably lost your job, or even result in declining health. When this happens, consider finding a solution to solve your problems. Look for solutions from people who are skilled and experienced in addressing and reducing this excessive stress problems.

One method which is very effective is known as emWave Personal Stress Reliever (emWave PSR), a method which is effective and safe in reducing stress, balancing emotions, and certainly help improving your performance. With the success in  reducing stress, balance emotions and increase performance, the success / happiness is waiting in front of you.

So, do not let your life ruined, or even happiness gone from your life. When you’re experiencing those problems, immediately find ways to the effective stress reliever method with the emWave PSR.


March 7, 2010

Skip Plane Food To Beat Jet Lag

image Researchers from Harvard University have discovered that the brain has a "feeding clock" which can keep track of meal times rather than daylight hours. When you're feeling hungry this clock thinks that food is scarce so it keeps tiredness at bay until you have found some. This means that staving off jet lag is as easy as skipping breakfast. "A period of fasting with no food at all for about 16 hours is enough to reset your clock," says lead researcher Dr Clifford Saper. "Avoiding any food on the plane is the best way to do this." Plus you'll eliminate the stress of not being able to work out exactly which 'seasonal' vegetable it is you're eating.

Source : Men’s Health Mag. Sep. 2009


February 28, 2010

Blood Simple

Your claret can predict your future. Harness its unique qualities for a healthier, happier life.

If you are type… O
You face a 20% higher risk of heart disease from high salt intake because your blood platelets (particles involved in clotting) swell in a high sodium environment, Copenhagen University researchers warn. Eat seven portions of fruit and veg per day to improve your platelets' ability to maintain fluid and clear your arteries (as well as keeping you more regular than a Japanese bullet train).

If you are type… A
You produce more adrenaline than any other group, so you're more prone to blood sugar swings, fatty deposits, and heart attacks. Drink a glass of milk each day to restore hormone balance and guarantee shut-eye. "You need to up your intake of the calming amino acid tryptophan, found in abundance in dairy and poultry," says Donnelly. And get regular exercise to further lower your heart-attack risk.

If you are type… B
Longevity is in your blood. A japanese survey, found you're twice as likely to make it to 100 with Type B. "Strengthen your immunity further by upping probiotic bacteria intake," says Tom MacDonald, professor of immunology at Barts and the London School of Medicine. Eat three portions of leeks and garlic a week and sink an Activia (£1.49 for 4) pot daily (mixing all of them together isn't advisable).

If you are type… AB
Having both A and B antigens in your blood often weakens your stomach acid, making it hard to digest protein from red meat. "ABs extract maximum nutrition from food like fish and dairy," says Richard Donnelly, professor of vascular medicine at Nottingham University. So snack on sushi, don't stuff in slabs of steak: you'll extract the maximum possible protein from your meals.

Source : Men’s Health Sept. 2009


February 21, 2010

Pros and cons of the Atkins diet

The Atkins diet is one of the most popular low carbohydrate diets on the market today. Its popularity has sparked dozens of  look-a-like diets who center on the same principles of high-protein, low-carbohydrate eating. There are a lot of fish in the sea when it comes to choosing a low-carbohydrate plan.

Studies have shown that low-carbohydrate eating has many benefits. There have been scientific results that low-carbohydrate diets like Atkins do create significant weight loss without having to restrict calories. People who use the Atkins diet have also reported this. There are studies that show that low-carb eating improves triclycerides, reduces blood glucose for diabetics and pre-diabetics and increases good cholesterol (HDL). Low-carbohydrate dieting has been scientifically proven to improve insulin sensitivity, decrease blood pressure and lower blood insulin levels. When compared with low-fat diets, low-carb dieters lose less muscle mass.

Although not scientifically proven, there are many common benefits reported by Atkins dieters and other low-carb dieters. These include an increase in energy, a reduced craving for sweets, better concentration, improved mood and an lessening of depression type symptoms.

However, there are also some benefits that are specific to the Atkins diet. If you have been a low fat dieter in previous years, you’ll enjoy eating all of those “forbidden foods” that you once had to go without. Steak, butter and cream are a regular part of Atkins dieters’ meals. There is a certain pleasure that goes along with eating foods that were once off limits. Atkins dieters are encouraged to eat their full of rich meats, cheeses and fats and oils.

Atkins is also simple to use, compared with some other low-carb diets on the market. There are some basic food carbohydrate counts that you’ll need to learn, but after that, you are free to eat from the acceptable food lists.

Dr. Atkins also emphasized finding your own personal carbohydrate level. Different people have different levels of carbohydrate tolerance. While some gain weight on just 90 carbohydrate grams a day, others can live comfortably at 120 carbohydrate grams. During the ongoing weight loss phase and pre-maintenance phase of the diet, you will learn your personal carbohydrate count that will help determine your carbohydrate goal for life.

The popularity of Atkins is a double-edged sword for dieters. There is a lot of information available on the diet, which makes it easy to find resources and support. There have been many, many Atkins books written and there are endless amounts of websites that offer tips and group support. However, everyone has heard of Atkins and probably has an opinion on it. There are some big misconceptions out there about the nature of the diet, and you’ll no doubt have to defend your new way of eating from time to time.

There are some other minimal downsides to using the Atkins program. You do need to count carbohydrates in everything you eat to make sure that you are staying within your personal carbohydrate range. There is also the issue of Induction, the most hotly debate aspect of the plan. Induction can be difficult to get through if you’ve had a diet that centers on carbs and sugar. Also, many people try Induction and mistakenly believe that this is the way that the whole diet is going to be. They end up quitting before they get into the actual Atkins plan.

Sometimes, although it is not common, people will experience a carb crash on the 3rd to 5th day of the diet. This reaction is a result of their body finally experiencing ketosis, or running on fat instead of carbohydrates. The effects are transient, but many people have sworn off low-carb diets entirely because of this happenstance.

Overall, with the minor drawbacks considered, Atkins is one of the most popular low-carb diets for a reason. It works. Thousands of people have had success with the Atkins approach to the low-carb way of living.


February 13, 2010


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